Thursday, April 21, 2011

Post #21

 Many people can interpret art in many different ways because of the way it is looked upon may vary. When Alex James created this blot he was sure everyone would not have the same perspective. Others might not see what I see and feel the way I do about this ink blot. Depending upon my subconscious I see multiple forms coming together to create an unusual form of nature. The head of this unknown substance looks like a head of a rat or elephant but by the elephant looking ears I would rule that a head of an elephant. He looks like he has black and beige angel or butterfly wings with multiple arms coming out of the top of the and at the bottoms of the black part of the wing. It is possible that he has another set of arms under his chin and face. Below that is his human body of a torso, hips, legs and feet. To me this ink blot could be a creepy creature from space or a cave.