Friday, October 29, 2010

post #7 My Art Book

Making this book was an interesting yet exciting process. Even though I didn't have the idea off the top of my head the book came together over time. To me it was difficult to find something to put on paper just like that so it took time for my work to evolve. Everything isn't going to be easy or a"eureka" moment therefore, this process helped me develop the skills of bringing elements and principles together as one. I found that since I started off with stars in general, I could play around with the theme as making it one story or each page tell a different story but I decided to make one whole story. I could make many different things with stars for example, I could have made a story about Hollywood using the stars but I chose space. I chose space because I wanted to do an out of this world scene. If I was to make another book containing stars I would probably went with the Hollywood theme and would have made my book more complex. This way it would be more thinking going on to figure out my book.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Post #6

I choose this handmade book because it caught my attention with it's unique form. It reminds me of when you stand up all the dominoes in the form you want and then push them over like people do in a domino rally. It also reminds my of an sculpture of some sort. She uses found text to make her sculpture like book and arrange them in a thematic way. Susan Porteous doesn't use words or pictures that but it looks like she made it out of cardboard or paper with orange string holding it together. I don't know why this book was made in this way or what it represents but this is something I really want to know. One more thing I would like to know is what inspired her to make this sculpture?

Monday, October 18, 2010

Post # 5 Abstract Drawing "Fiesta No. 6"

This is an abstract drawing by mariana martin of color, lines, shapes, and pattern. This art shows how some shapes and color come together to make a pattern. The lines drawn are made of different colors that is repeated of the red blue and black shapes. She used all kind of forms of shapes in one that makes one big shape. For instance, the lines and half circle at the bottom comes together to make one big shape that resembles a half of an orange. It is the same with the piece in the triangular shape that looks like an upside down banana. From the title I can suggest that this is some kind of pinata or party decoration because of the word fiesta and the circles and lines that looks like it is fallen from the piece. I have also read that this picture was inspired by the brazilian carnival so one of my guesses may possibly be right.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Post # 4"The Passion Of Music"

Leonid Afremov immediately captured my attention with this breath taking painting of a woman playing the cello. I liked the creativity he used with oil and palette knife because of the different elements and principles he used. There are among plenty of elements and principals that can be applied here but there are a couple that really pop out to me.  Color is one of the elements that really got my attention because there are so many colors shown in this picture that my eyes couldn't grasp what I was looking at. Her background is like a rainbow rain whereas her face expression makes a statement about no matter what the weather is she will only concentrate on playing. The artist also used different shades of color to make her skin the right texture.  If you look at her elbow and her face it shows towards the hand and right side of her face facing the front that it is lighter in exposure, whereas at the elbow tip and left side it gets darker to show its in the shade. This is also a way to show contrast because of the way he make different colors come together as one. The background makes the picture of the girl pop out but the background its self also catches people attention. The last principle that is applied is movement. The way her fingers are pulling the strings of the cello and the way she is holding the stick proves that she is moving because of the separation and placement of her fingers.