Sunday, June 5, 2011

Post # 23

In a beautiful house that was surrounded by a eye catching landscape lived a young man named James. He had everything that anyone could possibly want, everything except someone to share all his treasures with. Even with all of this riches he still got lonely and longed for a friend, a wife ,and children that he could share all of this with. One evening while sitting by his beautiful pond he leaned to far in and out flew his lucky coin. Soaking wet from searching for the coin, he gave up and softly wispered for what he longed for. A week later a poor man knocked on his door begging for food but instead James had an idea of for an exchange for food and clothes the man could stay in his cottage behind his house. Day be day their friendship grew so strong that they were unbreakable buddies. A year later while shopping at the nearest food market James saw a beautiful woman smelling oranges. After debating against himself he finally worked up the courage to ask her out. Two years after, James life got better and better because he got married, had twins, a best friend and everything he wanted and needed. His house was no longer lonely but  it now was a happy home.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Post # 22

Thinking of something that would send a good message to the world was very hard to think of until I got inspired by a classmate to create the slogan"the hero begins with you". During a project before the stencil design was a mixed media project where one of my fellow classmate drew a poster of real life people with super hero shadows. The meaning behind creating that was to show even regular everyday people can be heros in their own way. The difference is I made my stencil into a business man who opens his shirt and reveal the superman symbol. I basically took what he did, made it my own, and created something that even non-heros can relate to. In his drawing the things that the everyday people did already gave them the label of hero but my slogan goes out to the people who wants to become a hero. These are the people who want to change or contribute to society in a way. But if they want that change they have to look at themselves first and make it. Becoming a hero begin with changing yourself for the better or even just getting out and doing something for others to earn the title.