Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Post # 9 Postmodern Art

 This is a painting by Leonid Afremov. It shows of a woman and her significant other, I assume, walking down the street holding an umbrella. It looks to be raining by the water you see on the sidewalk and street. I also know that it is night because the street lights are on. This picture displays your everyday typical couple walking up the street with an umbrella because it is raining. This could be and happen to anyone, so this picture is representin' people in the situation of a rainy day. This picture can also represent layering. How?  If you look closely at the sidewalk then you can tell it was raining by the way it was painted. When a artist use representation then he or she is trying to show what can actually happen in real life if it hasn't already. Black, white, a yellowish orange and bluish purple color was layered on top of each other to make this look more real. It looks like they are actually walking on a wet sidewalk. Small details he used really brought out the picture's realism.

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