Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Post # 8 Reflection

Quarter 1 was very interesting to me because of the different experiences I had. Even from the first day I learned about cool and hot colors and exquisite corpse, but in a fun way. There was also tasks where we had to draw things that come to mind when given a word, free sketch days, drawing techniques learned, and creative ways to write your name as a bellringer. But we also had days where we just wrote definitions,took Cornell notes on things like art and race or gender criticism ,and talked about things that wasn't that interesting. With both the fun and boring ways I learned more about art then I did in my whole entire life. For example, I didn't even know that there were seven principles and elements of art. I applied them to my drawings without even knowing it then. I even used all of these in my outer space abstract book. I now see the subject of art differently because I didn't know that there was so much things going on and meanings behind the piece. I just thought you just draw and paint for the fun of it. Now I know it's more to art then that

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