Thursday, January 13, 2011

Post # 14

I like this note because it is not likely that a man would be this trustworthy. For a man to actually turn off your lights and lock the door to your car without stealing anything is surprising. When most people see an opportunity like this they just eagerly steal what they want. There are people in this world who do cruel things just to satisfy their greedy needs. The most surprising part about this situation was that this unique individual took time out of his day to write a note to that person and tell them of what he did. He isn't a selfish man who was all for his self and wouldn't have did like everybody else who was ignoring it. It is nice to see that it is people in the world that would help others out without dishonesty. If I would have found this note on my car my day would have been brightened automatically because of this good deed. I would be glad to know he didn't steal anything and his intentions was to actually help me out. This letter was the most inspiring because it is among one of those one in a million situations that would gladly astonish someone

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Post #13

These are images of cartoon characters from different old cartoon series. On the left is Jerry the cat and Tom the mouse. I remember when I couldn't wait to watch them when I got done with my homework. I was anxious to see what these two mischievous animals was going to get into. On the right it display Bubbles,the blue eyed blond, Blossom,the pink eyed red head and Buttercup,the green eyed girl with black hair. They were my favorite cartoon characters of all time especially blossom. They were my favorite because me, my niece, and my cousin had this special bond. We would watch this show together and pretend we were the characters and act out some of the scenes. I was blossom, my niece was bubbles and my cousin was buttercup. These two cartoon brings a feeling of nostalgia because when I look at it I stroll down memory lane. It brings back the childhood memories and bonds I had then. I can smile and laugh at the good times which will still remain those good ole days.

Post #12

Many artist would be postmodern artist without even knowing it. Barbara Kruger was one of those people who often used juxtaposition through most of her art. This is the process where she place words side by side vertically or horizontally. She also has a picture of a woman in the background with a blindfold on. She would be considered postmodern because she is recycling what has already been done. People already have put words and pictures on a poster in something we called text and image. The difference is she make it her own story. This would be considered appropriation because she took what was already done into her own matter.This is the same as a rapper using someone else's beat from their song to rap off of. This art work would also be considered as representin'. She has  used this concept through all of her art works with her words and pictures to make a point. Her point in this art work is if you are confident one minute and you let someone or something else make you doubt yourself then you will be going back and forth. But this isn't a bad thing because you have to be open to both in order to be a sane human being. It's a crazy slogan but if you think about it more then you'll get it later. Even though Kruger uses what has already been done she makes it different from what you would expect, she is considered postmodern since what she has done was technically done earlier.

Post #11

 Barbara Kruger has done a lot of art work that inspires people, such as the one above that says" It's a small world but not if i have to clean it."  Born on January 26, 1945, in Newark, New Jersey, where she early developed an interest in graphic design, poetry, writing and attended poetry readings. She attended Syracuse University in 1965, the School of Visual Arts, New York City, and studied at the Parsons School of Design in New York with graphic artist Marvin Israel and the famous photographer Diane Arbus. Her connections to her got her in the game of going big because Arbus introduced Kruger to many big shots. Even so she has inspired many people with her work. I have not found out if she has died or not because many websites doesn't say it. Alive or dead she has use her artwork to speak for the people which were mostly women. That is why I choose to discuss Barbara,being the fact that she spoke for mostly women issues made me even more curious.