Thursday, January 13, 2011

Post # 14

I like this note because it is not likely that a man would be this trustworthy. For a man to actually turn off your lights and lock the door to your car without stealing anything is surprising. When most people see an opportunity like this they just eagerly steal what they want. There are people in this world who do cruel things just to satisfy their greedy needs. The most surprising part about this situation was that this unique individual took time out of his day to write a note to that person and tell them of what he did. He isn't a selfish man who was all for his self and wouldn't have did like everybody else who was ignoring it. It is nice to see that it is people in the world that would help others out without dishonesty. If I would have found this note on my car my day would have been brightened automatically because of this good deed. I would be glad to know he didn't steal anything and his intentions was to actually help me out. This letter was the most inspiring because it is among one of those one in a million situations that would gladly astonish someone

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