Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Post #11

 Barbara Kruger has done a lot of art work that inspires people, such as the one above that says" It's a small world but not if i have to clean it."  Born on January 26, 1945, in Newark, New Jersey, where she early developed an interest in graphic design, poetry, writing and attended poetry readings. She attended Syracuse University in 1965, the School of Visual Arts, New York City, and studied at the Parsons School of Design in New York with graphic artist Marvin Israel and the famous photographer Diane Arbus. Her connections to her got her in the game of going big because Arbus introduced Kruger to many big shots. Even so she has inspired many people with her work. I have not found out if she has died or not because many websites doesn't say it. Alive or dead she has use her artwork to speak for the people which were mostly women. That is why I choose to discuss Barbara,being the fact that she spoke for mostly women issues made me even more curious.

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