Monday, March 7, 2011

Post # 15

    This stencil design is the definition of street art because it would be considered territorial graffiti, vandalism, or corporate art depending upon the perspective and if the artwork was placed on private property or not. This artwork was done by an unknown artist who go by the name Meek but has no farther information. This artwork was in a train station in Melbourne, Australia and consist of what some people think is Meek begging for change. But the message I think Meek is trying to convey is he don't want coins but he want a change to happen for him. I think that the quote" keep your coins, I want change", is saying that he want his life to change for the better. To me, street art is more of an unpaid hobby people do for fun to get a message across to the public. Artwork displayed in museums and other places like that are paid for and they sometimes doesn't refer to the public with a message. No matter what or where it is, this work would be considered art for the fact it relates to some people and has a message for the world to see.

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