Monday, March 14, 2011


 When you look at this photo of a bicycle wheel on a stool you can tell that the Dada artist somehow wanted to get a message across dealing with beauty and the world war 2. Many people disagreed with this war and therefore wanted to protest against it. To express what they had been inspired by they rejected the cultural ways of social organization and beauty through art. One of the leaders named Marcel Duchamp decided to make this artwork which he considered  an aesthetic form. This relates to the Dada movement because these artist made meaningless work to express how they feel about the senseless war. The word Dada meaning "hobby horse", was the title these artists went with because it related to what they stood for. From the quote"we'll have no part of it or its traditions., wait!...especially artistic traditions. We, who are non-artists, will create non-art - since art (and everything else in the world) has no meaning, anyway.", you could tell that these artist were upset about the war and wanted to show it through art. I believe this was a great way to protest against the war without actually resulting to violence.

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