Monday, March 7, 2011

Post # 17

Considering the fact that this picture has all the sprite elements,  this is also one of the up most astonishing, eye catching, and breathtaking portraits I've ever seen. It's shows a father embracing his sleeping new born baby girl in his hands. For a man who would pay for this picture to be drawn represents that he really loves his daughter with all his heart. This could also imply to all fathers that they should grasp every moment they get to have with their children. If anything this should be the way of life of all fathers, for God has blessed you with an amazing gift. Fathers who don't utilize every second they have with their children should learn from this photo that it is an opportunity of a lifetime that they shouldn't miss out on. Using a camera to capture this moment would be great but a portrait is even better because of the details it displays. All of these sprite elements help me understand the importance of the relationship between father and daughter.

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