Monday, March 7, 2011

Post # 16 Carrie Mae Weems

I know you are probably thinking I'm using these to artworks because it's something I'm going through, but although I'm not going through abuse of a boyfriend I can relate to this in many ways. The artwork on the left shows a mother holding her daughter saying"I'd rather my man should hit me,than for him to jump up and quit me. It's a joke girlfriend.",meaning you should want him to leave rather than beat on you and he should hold and love you like your mother would. From the quote on the right stating "She had: a broken nose, a displaced jaw, one black eye, three fractured ribs, a mild concussion, and a man who said he was sorry. But sorry didn't do it! You did!", you can tell it was too late for her to get out because her alcoholic boyfriend,I assume, beat her into a concussion.  I have heard of stories about people going through situations like this and I tend to feel sorry for them. To hear about these helpless women who are physically or even verbally abuse by men angers me to the fact that some women won't get help. Even from watching television and surveying this behavior, certain women make excuses for abusive men and keep running back only to find themselves getting hurt again. Love is so blind that women keep putting themselves in situations such as the one on the right and nothing good comes from it. The real reason I choose these two artworks is because I wouldn't want anyone to experience this including myself. I would want people to be smart about the decisions they make and get away from this kind of misery while they can. Anyone can go through this but only the effective ones gets help and leave.

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